Air, Water, Land
50cm x 40cm Acrylic on canvas
54cm x 45cm in white tray frame
A near minimalist interpretation of Bantry Bay. Here I was trying to capture the essence of the Gaelic word Telemach, which means the deep relationship one has with air, water and land that allows one to hear the earth sing.
Air, Water, Land Sylvia Wadsley
My paintings reflect a stay of ten days in Eire last march. I attended a four-day artist retreat run by the talented Irish artist Pauline Agnew and then travelled the Wild Atlantic Way between Cork and Bantry Bay. I employed my usual working method of making sketches, small gouache paintings, and altered photographs to use as aide memoires before starting work in my studio
In my work I am very interested in the invisible thread that connects us to nature. I started to feel that the local people seemed refreshingly connected to the landscape. There seemed to be a spiritual charge revealed by the working of the land, customs and links to folklore, Celtic myths and old beliefs. I felt that a number of beautiful places I visited were liminal spaces, mysterious and other-worldly, linked to the present through time and history. In my paintings I invite you, the viewer, to step inside this liminal space to feel our interconnection with nature and the landscape.