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Sally Stafford

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What interests me is exploring places and the effects of time on these places. I think of the canvas as a living, growing thing. Layers of paint are poured, scratched into and overpainted. Chance and accident are appreciated and included. Natural forms emerge and recede echoing the searching for a memory and the essence of a place and time.

I like to work in series with the seasons, recognising and celebrating the effects of time. My work is often more about a plant scape than a landscape accentuating the magic and symbolism of overlooked and forgotten spaces.

I use a wide variety of media and enjoy the interaction between acrylics, spray paints, gold leaf and oil pastel. My research usually involves extended stays or residencies in the places I’ve travelled to. These include the Somerset wetlands, Spain where I lived until 2020, Portugal, Bali and Scotland.

 Sally Stafford

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